Can I still remain friends with my ex narcissists family?
Narcissists are individuals who have a personality disorder that is characterized by a sense of grandiosity, a need for attention and admiration, lack of empathy, and a tendency to exploit others. They often manipulate, gaslight, and play mind games with those around them, leaving a trail of emotional destruction in their wake. One of the ways narcissists maintain their toxic dominance is through the use of flying monkeys or enablers. These are people in their circle who do their bidding, either knowingly or unknowingly, and act as a source of narcissistic supply, bolstering the narcissist's ego and allowing them to continue their destructive behavior.
When dealing with a narcissist, one of the most effective ways to protect oneself is through the implementation of the no contact rule. This is a rule in which the victim of a narcissist cuts off all contact with the abuser, both physically and emotionally. This means that the victim does not respond to phone calls, texts, emails, or any other forms of communication. It also means that the victim avoids any places or events where the narcissist might be present. In essence, the victim completely removes themselves from the narcissist's sphere of influence.
While the no contact rule is an effective way to protect oneself from the narcissist's abuse, it also means cutting off contact with their enablers or flying monkeys. This is because the narcissist often plays upon the loyalty of their enablers, making them believe that the victim is the problem, and that the narcissist is the victim. The enablers then become instrumental in the narcissist's game, spreading rumors, manipulating situations, and acting as a conduit for the narcissist's abuse.
In many cases, the enablers may not even be aware of what is happening or may have a distorted view of reality due to the narcissist's manipulation. They may genuinely believe that the victim is the problem, and that the narcissist is the innocent party. As such, even innocuous conversations with these individuals can quickly escalate into a rehashing of the narcissist's accusations and a further entrenchment of the victim's culpability in the situation.
Furthermore, even if the enablers are aware of the narcissist's toxic behavior, they may feel a sense of loyalty towards the narcissist, either out of fear of retribution or a need to feel part of the narcissist's inner circle. They may continue to support the narcissist, even at the expense of the victim's wellbeing, thus making continued contact with them a risk to the victim's mental and emotional health.
In conclusion, the no contact rule is an effective way to protect oneself from the abuse of a narcissist. However, it also means cutting off contact with their enablers or flying monkeys, who are often instrumental in the narcissist's game. These individuals may not be aware of the severity of the situation or may feel a sense of loyalty towards the narcissist. As such, continued contact with them can be detrimental to the victim's mental and emotional health. It is therefore essential to maintain strict adherence to the no contact rule, even if it means cutting off contact with an entire circle of people.
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